Mobile Broadband Internet in the USA
Providers Offering Mobile Broadband Service
We've found 46 providers offering Mobile Broadband service in the US. Below are stats on their coverage and speeds.
AT&T Wireless | 306,461,488 | 53 | 10 mbps |
Verizon | 305,552,896 | 51 | 10 mbps |
Cricket Wireless | 94,688,250 | 37 | 6 mbps |
Metro® by T-Mobile | 54,308,583 | 5 | 1.5 mbps |
U.S. Cellular | 25,083,868 | 19 | 6 mbps |
C Spire Wireless | 4,215,951 | 3 | 3 mbps |
Cellcom | 1,607,399 | 1 | 0.768 mbps |
Fusion | 1,276,133 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Mobi | 1,229,272 | 1 | 0.768 mbps |
Viaero Wireless | 1,055,202 | 2 | 10 mbps |
Bravado Wireless | 783,144 | 1 | 10 mbps |
GCI Wireless | 634,984 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Appalachian Wireless | 552,161 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Pioneer Telephone Cooperative | 526,197 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Choice Broadband (Arizona) | 502,712 | 3 | 10 mbps |
Inland Cellular | 403,206 | 2 | 1.5 mbps |
Union Wireless | 387,353 | 1 | 10 mbps |
FTC Wireless | 225,364 | 1 | 1.5 mbps |
Evolve Broadband | 164,402 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Cross Telephone | 162,910 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Thumb Cellular | 137,666 | 1 | 10 mbps |
United Wireless | 123,233 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Strata Networks | 114,381 | 2 | 10 mbps |
Chat Mobility | 110,800 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative | 104,742 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Pine Belt Wireless | 90,615 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Pine Telephone Company | 80,519 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative | 61,588 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Northwest Missouri Cellular | 43,113 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Silver Star | 42,850 | 2 | 0.768 mbps |
Triangle Communications | 34,921 | 1 | 0.768 mbps |
PTCI | 33,086 | 2 | 1.5 mbps |
Albany Mutual Telephone Association | 29,109 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Snake River PCS | 27,008 | 1 | 1.5 mbps |
Copper Valley Telecom | 9,647 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Nucla Naturita Telephone | 3,358 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Cordova Telephone Cooperative | 2,477 | 1 | 3 mbps |
Phoenix Communications | 113 | 1 | 0.768 mbps |
IT&E | 0 | 2 | 10 mbps |
Claro Internet | 0 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Docomo Pacific | 0 | 1 | 10 mbps |
ADM Wireless | 0 | 1 | 1.5 mbps |
Bluesky Communications | 0 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Viya | 0 | 1 | 10 mbps |
Windy City Cellular | 0 | 0 | 0 mbps |
HIGHSPEEDLINK | 0 | 0 | 0 mbps |
Mobile Wireless Internet In the United States
With both AT&T and Verizon covering over 94% of the United States, chances are if you are reading this you’ve got a mobile device sending and receiving data sitting right next to you.
While current mobile broadband speeds are faster than anything we could have imagined from a wired connection 20 years ago, the amount of data we consume and use every day is only on the rise.
In fact the amount of wireless data Americans consumed increased almost 70% between 2011 and 2012 according to the CTIA.
This paired with the dramatic expansion of LTE, the FCC reports it is available to 211 million Americans, there is no doubt in our mind that wireless broadband will be a huge part of our digital infrastructure for years to come.
For a full list of providers, visit the mobile broadband provider page.
Should You Get Mobile Broadband?
If you use your mobile device to connect to the internet, chances are you already have it. That said, if you are looking for ultra fast speeds, we do recommend you look at mobile providers with large LTE infrastructures.
Benefits of LTE and Wireless Broadband
The biggest benefit to mobile broadband is that its portability, allowing you to access your data from anywhere you have service.
Large Coverage Area
Because of the nature of wireless broadband, each broadcast point can cover areas ranging from a few square yards to over 50 miles depending on the setup. This gives providers extended flexibility and the the ability to tailor their infrastructure to meet customer demands.
Limitations of LTE and Wireless Broadband
New Equipment Requirements
The biggest limitation for consumers trying to adopt LTE service is that they will have to use a device that supports LTE. In most cases, this means purchasing a new device.
Data Caps
While each provider and it’s plans differ, many wireless broadband providers offer plans with a set data limit. That said, we highly recommend that you select a plan that suits not only your budget but also your mobile browsing habits.
Largest Mobile Broadband Providers
AT&T Wireless
94.65% Coverage
94.37% Coverage
Cricket Wireless
29.24% Coverage
Metro® by T-Mobile
16.77% Coverage
7.75% Coverage
C Spire Wireless
1.30% Coverage
0.50% Coverage
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